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Hunebed Everstorf South near Barendorf
Hunebed Everstorf South near Barendorf

This giants bed contains a stone chamber, accessable through a paassage from the southern long side. This passage ended at the stone border, that surrounded the hunebed mound.

Those graves were used for a whole kin. Some walls have more than 100 m in length and contain two or more stone chambers. They were in use for long periods. The walls were bordered with "smaller" erratic blocks, that now are often missing.

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Town:23936 Everstorf
Sprockhoff ID:311
Picture file name:j6_pentax_imgp7085.jpg
Picture date:07.05.2011 13:41:04

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012