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Steinkistengrab 1 - Malchin
Steinkistengrab 1 - Malchin

First of the four stone graves in the Malchin forest.

Those graves are mostly in North Eastern Germany. They have been built during the late stone ages and have been in use in the bronze age, which caused damages mainly to the cup stones. As they were built on normal ground level, they were covered in a mould. The 'daintily' architecture made it easy for the tomb riders, and has left damages too.

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Town:17139 Malchin
Administration:Mecklenburgische Seenplatte
Picture file name:imgp8609.jpg
Picture date:26.05.2005 10:20:00

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012