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Megalithic tomb Hüven Süd (mill)
Megalithic tomb Hüven Süd (mill)

The chamber of this grave has been conserved quite well It is oriented from NorthEast to SouthWest. Inside the chamber measures 5 x 2 m. All eight wall stones are in place, the capstones also. The grave lies within a mound of 16m x 22 m basis.

Those graves were used for a whole kin. Built without entry passage tunnel, there was an opening for later burials. There are really huge stones, and sometimes gather in neighborhood to other dolmen. Originally, those graves were covered with soil.

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Age:> 3800
Town:49751 Hüven
Sprockhoff ID:843
Picture file name:i4_imgp5910.jpg
Picture date:18.05.2010 14:31:00

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012