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Bruchhauser Steine - Bruchhausen
Bruchhauser Steine - Bruchhausen

The "Bruchhäuser Steine" area is marked by the four rocks Bornstein (92m), Goldstein (60m), Ravenstein (72m) and Feldstein (45m). As giant porphyr edges of a prehistoric wall castle, it showed cultural connections to celtic tribes that lived farther to the south west.

Rock formations do create strong places. They have been used for rituals, they have given shelter, some were used for meetings. Eroded sand stone and basalt rock forms large parts of middle Germany. In limestone sometimes there exist stalactite caves. When they collapse, the relicts are impressive.

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Town:59939 Bruchhausen
Picture file name:imgq0292.jpg
Picture date:15.09.2006 13:50:00

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012