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Grand dolmen Kläden
Grand dolmen Kläden

A chamber of 11 x 1.5 m inner dimension is surrounded by a wall covering 18 x 7.5 m ground. It was bought by the Domherr von Levetzow auf Kläden to help prevent destruction.
From this grave, fragments of Altmarkian pottery was found as in the Grand dolmen Bretsch.

These extended dolmens consist of at least two jochens, that is, zwo wall stones plus one cap stone. At the end of the grave chamber, a stone closed the chamber. These graves were used for more than one burial, and could be accessed from a larger gap on one end.

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Town:39579 Kläden
Picture file name:imga0856.jpg
Picture date:26.09.2008 15:34:00

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012