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Passage Grave 2 near Steinfeld
Passage Grave 2 near Steinfeld

This passage grave is centered in a dense, circular stone ring. This type can also seen in the Rolfsen coffin, but here, the dolmen is much larger, and the enrounding smaller but heavier.
No relicts could be found here. Probably, each chamber contained many successive burials. ... The form of the chamber indicates a late period of the megalith culture.

Those graves were used for a whole kin. There are really huge stones, and may even have a hole in one of it's bounding stones. They were surrounded by smaller megaliths in circles or ovals. Unfortunately most of the smaller stones are missing.

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Town:27412 Steinfeld
Administration:Rotenburg (Wümme)
Sprockhoff ID:649
Picture file name:j5c_dsci0384.jpg
Picture date:08.05.2013 11:44:00

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012