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Megalithic tomb "kings grave" near Lüdelsen
Megalithic tomb

This is one of the largest and best conserved megalithic tombs of the Altmark region.
The outer dimensions are 31.1 m x 8.5 - 5.2 m being narrow in the central part. Only a few stones collapsed. The chamber as a inner size of 7.9 x 1.7 x 1.1 meters. 15 of 16 wall stones remain, and all capstones are still there, although the middle ones slided into the chamber. Probably there was an entry tunnel at the southern side.

Those graves were used for a whole kin. Some walls have more than 100 m in length and contain two or more stone chambers. They were in use for long periods. The walls were bordered with "smaller" erratic blocks, that now are often missing.

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Age:> 3800
Town:38489 Lüdelsen
Picture file name:imga1189.jpg
Picture date:29.09.2008 17:07:00

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012