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Hunebed Kritzow
Hunebed Kritzow

This grave complex was built in the neolithic period. It consists of a rectangular mound, which is lined with boulders. In studies in 1904, on the eastern side of the remains a grave chamber was found. Popularly known such plants are called "giant bed. " On the north side of the grave as a "Guardian Stone", about 10 tons. Translated from the information board.
Before the grave on the country road, you will find a well mowned place for parking.

Those graves were used for a whole kin. Some walls have more than 100 m in length and contain two or more stone chambers. They were in use for long periods. The walls were bordered with "smaller" erratic blocks, that now are often missing.

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Age:4000 - 3800
Town:19386 Kritzow
Sprockhoff ID:402
Picture file name:j3_102cdpfp_imga0258.jpg
Picture date:03.05.2011 19:45:20

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012