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Megalithic tomb Thölstedt near Wildeshausen
Megalithic tomb Thölstedt near Wildeshausen

The burial chamber is 10,5 m long and 1,8 m wide. The lower part is still covered by the remains of the earthen mound, which originally covered the whole enclosure. Most of the stones are shifted, overturned and broken. Cited from the info board.

Those graves were used for a whole kin. Built without entry passage tunnel, there was an opening for later burials. There are really huge stones, and sometimes gather in neighborhood to other dolmen. Originally, those graves were covered with soil.

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Age:> 4800
Town:27793 Thölstedt
Picture file name:imgq2823.jpg
Picture date:13.05.2008 19:22:00

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012