This stony witness was a cult stone from the pre christian, germanic times. Ist shape resemles a nose (maybe that of sphinx?). It was documented from the 13th century, and from there on it was assumed to be known either by the name aond by ist location. The sone weights about 1,5 tons. In the years from 1890 to 1978 it was used at the nearby chaussee and was returned by a woman engaged in history. Some of these stones have special cultural history. Often, there are significant erratic stones, or cromlechs on exceptional places, that are shown here. Many are accompanied with saga and tales. As there are no written documents from the originating times, acquiring knowledge depends on local findings. Chemical analyses of the soil can shed light on cultural usage. Sometimes there are findings of prehistoric tools, i.e. flintstone knives.
all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012 Impressum |