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Menhir upon grave mound - Halle-Kröllwitz
Menhir upon grave mound - Halle-Kröllwitz
This stone stands upon one of the two prehistoric grave mounds, which lie on the tip of a hill behind the university hospital of Halle. Ist cliffy surface invites for experiencing, and creates space for imagination and fantasy.
This stone might have inspired Christian Keferstein in his childhood, so he followed the topic of rare stones. Even if his views concerning celtic involvement was mainly wrong, he has been a pioneer in mineralogy.
This is my favorite megalith list.

Town:6120 Kröllwitz
Picture file name:imgq1219.jpg
Picture date:28.09.2007 10:51:00
all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012
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