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Keferstein family
Keferstein family

One branch of my ancestors are the Keferstein Family. They were traditional paper manufacturers along the Saale river, in Halle and Merseburg. Worth mentioning here is Hofrat Christian Keferstein, who wrote in 1846 about these prehoistorical monuments, see the Literature.

About periperal themes is this chapter of the German megalithic world. To give you an outlook, I show you a curious marriage of trees, an exceptional organic wonder. A reconstructed celtic hut or celtic cottage are the more serious part here. Often the stone stands for something. As no one really knows what was 5000 years ago there is no strong knowledge about origins. But it brings fun! So even more seriously I want to introduce you to Mr. XJ900.

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Town:D Deutschland
Picture file name:image0494.jpg
Picture date:31.12.1899

all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012