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Long stone in Nackenheim
Long stone in Nackenheim
The existence of the Nackenheim Menhir is not established in my opinion. Mr. Zylmann mentioned a menhir. An elderly man in town knew about that stone and described ist position in the vineyards. It must be the one I show on these pages. Anyhow, a winemaker working nearby, told me that this standing stone was discovered only after the reorganization of the land. This may be, as many standing stones have been buried as they disturbed economical acriculture.
A standing stone was a often used symbol over the whole history. Humans want to put an eternal sign. For that, sometimes he uses material of ancient times.

Town:55299 Nackenheim
Picture file name:imgp9725.jpg
Picture date:23.05.2006 10:03:00
all photos © klaus rädecke, 1996-2020 & johanna haas 2010-2012
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